This page is currently in a draft form.
MapServer has its own scripting language - MapScript. MapScript is available in several programming languages including Python, PHP, and Perl. They all share a common MapScript API.
Adding MapScript to the Docker Container
MapScript is not installed on the MapServer Docker image by default, but it can be added using the approach below.
The MapScript package must match the version of MapServer installed on the Docker image or segmentation faults will occur.
# start an interactive session with the MapServer Docker container
docker exec -it mapserver /bin/bash
apt install python3-pip -y
pip install /scripts/mapscript-8.4.0-cp312-cp312-linux_x86_64.whl --break-system-packages
# test that we can import MapScript successfully
python -c "import mapscript;print(mapscript.msGetVersion())"
Example Script
One use of MapScript is to help with writing Mapfiles by getting information from its data sources. Some examples are provided below.
Reading Data Extents
python /scripts/
import mapscript
mapfile = "/etc/mapserver/"
m = mapscript.mapObj(mapfile)
lyr = m.getLayerByName("lakes")
extent = lyr.getExtent()
original_projection_code = m.getProjection()
original_projection = mapscript.projectionObj(original_projection_code)
webmercator = mapscript.projectionObj("epsg:3857")
extent_string = f"[{extent.minx}, {extent.miny}, {extent.maxx}, {extent.maxy}]"
# reprojection is done in-place
extent.project(original_projection, webmercator)
extent_string = f"[{extent.minx}, {extent.miny}, {extent.maxx}, {extent.maxy}]"
center = f"[{(extent.maxx + extent.minx) / 2}, {(extent.maxy + extent.miny) / 2}]"