- Seth Girvin (found on GitHub at @geographika). Please get in touch if you'd like a particular topic added to the workshop, or require any MapServer development.
Thanks to the following for helping this workshop to be created and improved:
- The workshop participants at FOSS4G Europe 2024 for their participation, feedback, and for having everything installed ready for a 9am start!
- Michael Smith for co-hosting the FOSS4G Europe 2024 workshop, and providing valuable tips and assistance
- Colleagues at Compass Informatics for trialing the workshop and providing valuable feedback
- The pygeoapi team - this workshop is based on the technology and approach used in the excellent Diving into pygeoapi workshop.
- Stéphane Brunner from Camptocamp for maintaining the MapServer Docker images used in this workshop.
- Kartoza for maintaining the PostGIS Docker images
- Pericles S. Nacionales and Jeff McKenna for the current MapServer Tutorial