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Web Map Services


We've been using WMS for interacting with MapServer for Mapfile examples. In this exercise we'll look in more detail at how to configure WMS services in MapServer.

Full MapServer WMS documentation is available here.


Web services are configured using METADATA blocks. These are key-value pairs, for example:


It is good practice to put the key names in quotes. This is not required, but it makes the Mapfile clearer that they are strings and not keywords. Keys can also contain strings such as field names, which could contain spaces. Without quotes these will cause syntax errors in the Mapfile.

Prefixes are used to configure different types of web service. For example:

  • wms_ is used for WMS services, for example "wms_title" can be set in the WEB METADATA block to set the title of the WMS service. This will be seen when read with client applications such as QGIS.
  • wfs_ is used for Web Feature Services.
  • oga_ is used for the new OGC Features API.


If settings are to be used for multiple services, then rather than duplicating values for wms_, wfs_ etc. you can use the ows_ prefix and these settings will apply to all open web services. You can still override this top-level setting for individual service types if needed.

    "ows_title" "My Services" # this will apply to WFS GetCapabilities requests
    "wms_title" "My WMS Services" # this will apply to WMS GetCapabilities requests

WMS Request Types

There are several different types of WMS request.

  • GetMap - for returning map images
  • GetLegendGraphic for returning legend images
  • GetCapabilities for returning XML metadata of the WMS
  • GetFeatureInfo - for returning feature attributes at a query location
  • DescribeLayer - returns an XML description of the WMS layer(s)

More details are in the documentation.


A sample request for the legend for the is as follows:


The names applied to the legends are based on the CLASS NAME in the Mapfile. If this is not set then no legend image is created for that layer.


  1. If you've read this far you deserve to discover one of MapServer's Easter eggs. Try changing the output format to &format=image/txt. We'll use the for the request: http://localhost:5000/?map=/etc/mapserver/
  2. Change the legend title for the polygon map.
  3. Run a GetCapabilities request for the Add various METADATA pairs to get rid of the warnings in the GetCapabilities response.